Whether it’s an official new year’s resolution or not, January is a fantastic time to consider ways to sharpen your hunting skills. Chances are you’ve had a busy hunting season already and – with the end approaching, there is much to evaluate. To help you out, our big game hunting experts have put together a list of top tips for improving your hunting. This can be used as an off-season or in-season guide so feel free to bookmark it and return often!


Upgrade Your Gear

  • Apparel: Rate each item on a scale of 1-5 on its effectiveness in protecting you from the elements (1 = Offered no protection, 5 = Professional-grade protection). Replace anything rated at a 3 or below. Be sure to also replace anything that is beginning to show signs of wear.
  • Weapons: Take time to thoroughly clean your weapon; always use a high-quality gun oil. Tune your bow and take time to ensure the riser is safe. Consider having a scope professionally mounted and be sure to ask about boresighting service, too. Check your bow string to ensure there’s no damage/fraying/inconsistencies and be sure to wax it. If anything appears questionable, consult your local sporting goods store.
  • First Aid Kit: It may not seem like an important item until the moment you need it. Be sure to keep the first aid kit fully stocked with gauze, Band-Aids and ointment. If you typically hunt in a more remote area, also be sure to include a water purification system.


Stay “On” Even in the Off-Season

The more regularly a hunter uses his or her equipment, the more comfortable and accurate the experience will become. This applies to off-season time, too. Don’t allow your trigger finger to get cold.

  • Schedule weekly or monthly visits to the shooting range
  • Give skeet or trap shooting a try
  • Consider predator hunting; predators have superior hearing and sight, forcing you to improve your methods if you want to be successful

We also encourage you to keep your four-legged friend in the habit of hunting, even in the off season. Check out our dedicated blog on keeping your hunting dog in shape all year long. Not only is it certainly going to up both of your hunting skill sets but there’s a good chance you’ll have some fun, too.


Manage Your Land

There are many things you can do to improve your private hunting property year-round so that it attracts more animals. The goal is to make specific changes within the environment to better support the animal populations that are indigenous to that area as well as those you’d like to attract. This can be as simple as putting out salt and mineral licks and planting more native food species. You could also get really invested and dig out a small pond area and form good coverage around it.

Check out these resources for help identifying other tips for improving your land management skills:

Or, you can leave all this to the experts and enjoy participating in a guided hunt experience on Edenwood’s meticulously curated ranch and hunting preserve. We take specialized care of our 500 acres and the wildlife that lives on it. You can simply book a guided hunting package on our deer hunting farms and enjoy the thrill of the hunt without all the off-season land prep.


Plan a New Experience for Next Season

If you’ve never experienced a guided hunt adventure, you are truly missing out. This experience is sure to sharpen your hunting skill set. You can customize every aspect of your package to ensure you get an experience that grows you and your family or hunting group.

We have a wide variety of ladders and hang on stands for the hunter who enjoys a more challenging adventure. Edenwood caters to all hunting styles – we can customize your hunt package to fit your individual needs and wants. We offer high fence hunts with our own self-sustaining herds of Whitetail, Fallow and Elk. For those of you who have never experienced this type of trophy hunting bring your camera and even an observer to share your wonderful experience. We’ve added several new hunting packages to our list of options – check them out and book early! They go fast.


Big Game Hunting

Edenwood offers a unique opportunity for all hunters to hone his or her skills.  We provide all the essentials, lodging, beautiful hunting land, hunting stands and blinds, & more. Whitetail, Elk and Fallow call this property home.  You are in charge of your hunt—All hunting packages below can be customized as you wish. Additional animals can be added to any package and any animal can be a DIY hunt. Call today to learn more.